Archives for category: Indesign

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Kasyan Servetsky!!!!!!!

It works perfectly

Here’s how:

1. Create two documents, one named Front Page and another named Page Ten (we’ll pretend you are creating a newspaper and you are going to jump a story from, well, the front page to page ten). Place a story somewhere on Front Page and make sure there is overset text, which you are going to jump to the next document.

2. Open the Conditional Text panel (choose Window> Type and Tables> Conditional Text).

3. In the Conditional Text panel, create two conditions: one named Front and another named Jump (or “this document” and “that document” or whatever you want to call them).

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I am frequently asked if there is a way to place a image (with its frame, so an image already placed in document) inside another frame, like doing a clipping mask in Illustrator.

There is!

Make your shape, select the image you want to show inside the shape, cut the image (ctrl+x), select the shape, right click on your mouse, and choose “Paste Into”


How do you get InDesign to automatically create pages from the Master to autoflow long docs? I usually work on magazines and brochures but I’m trying my hand at books. I seem to remember that Quark does this, but can’t figure out how to make InDesign do it. Also (cheeky second question) can you recommend a plug-in to get InDesign to create imposed proofs for a variety of sheet sizes?

You can use Autoflow by Shift-clicking when you import your text.
This will add pages and frames until all text is flowed into your document. Read the rest of this entry »

InDesign Scripts and Tools — Directories, Reviews

01 | Indiscripts Products Page (EN)
The very best of Indiscripts at a glance.

02 | Scriptopedia (EN|FR)
A growing library of scripts for the desktop publishing Adobe software. Read the rest of this entry »


Export book documents to individual PDF files

Create a book from InDesign documents in selected folder
Run the script, select a folder. A book with the same name as the folder will be created and all InDesign from the folder will be added to it. Originally the script was written by Martin Fischer, I reworked it a little to make compatible with CS4. Read the rest of this entry »

Spatiul alb de jur imprejurul paginilor, din cauza caruia cateodata nu se pot scala obiecte, caci apare eroarea “object will leave the pasteboard” Read the rest of this entry »

Tthere is one feature of InDesign CS5 I think has to be among the most requested that I come across regularly; ‘straddle heads’ (as I’ve always known them, anyway) are headlines and perhaps bylines that span columns. InDesign CS5 allows you to span columns and also split them simply by selecting text and choosing the option you want from a drop-down. here are a couple of examples that will show you how to use it.

Splitting text Read the rest of this entry »