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[So You Want to Create a Font — Part 1]
The sheer number of fonts out there ( sells over fifty-five thousand) is a testament to the fact that there are nearly an infinitude of creative choices that can be made when designing a font. Of course there are the basics: serif vs. sans serif (and the numerous subcategories of each of these); handwritten vs. precision print-quality; wide vs. narrow; bold vs. light. But beyond these obvious choices are some specifics you may not have thought of: Read the rest of this entry »

So you’re a brilliant designer, a master calligrapher, and you’ve learned all about serifs, side-bearings, and kerning. Now you want to create your own font. (What! You haven’t learned all about serifs, side-bearings, and kerning? Well, make sure you read all of the articles on iLT before you embark on font creation! You’ll need all of the knowledge you can get if you plan on being successful! And if you’re not a brilliant designer or a master calligrapher, well, don’t worry—you can still create some beautiful fonts with a little hard work, a lot of knowledge, and a little inspiration.) Read the rest of this entry »

Books were once a luxury only the richest could afford and would take months of work to be brought to fruition.

And they were harmoniously beautiful.

The bookmakers knew the secret to the perfect book. They shared among themselves a system—a canon—by which their blocks of text and the pages they were printed on would “agree with one another and become a harmonious unit.”

So elegant is this method of producing harmony that a few designers saw to rediscover it. Even though it was considered a trade-secret, they all came to the same conclusion, hundreds of years apart, independent of one another, but each supported by the other.

They found the way to design a harmonious page. A perfect page.

There’s a dance to all this

Let’s look at this dance, shall we? In its simplest form, here is the canon, without the guides.

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The most blatant bit of plagiarism I’ve seen in some time. The City of Melbourne Identity – produced by friends of TDOD Jason Little, Ivana Martinovitch, Jefton Sungar and Malin Holmstrom. No doubt they would be a little surprised to see this remarkably similar identityfor the Fantasia MIC Plaza currently rolling out in China…

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